Prospecting Swedish influencers focused on office supplies
Here are 20 Swedish influencer profiles within office supplies. Note that the list is not comprehensive and influencers may have changed their focus. Always follow a prospect before deciding to contact the intended influencer for a potential collaboration.
- @studera.se - Focuses on study techniques and accessories, including notebooks and pens.
- @annalisa.amberg - Shares pictures and reviews of office supplies, including pens, notebooks, and other writing tools.
- @pencilcaseblog - A blogger who reviews pens and other writing tools.
- @blommorochplanner - Focused on planning tools and accessories, including notebooks and pens.
- @penpapersoul - Focuses on notebooks, pens, and other writing tools.
- @bokpapperpenna - Shares pictures and reviews about books, paper, and pens.
- @papermintss - Focused on notebooks and planning tools.
- @ninasofo - Shares pictures of office supplies and inspiring quotes.
- @gronqvistsara - Focuses on planning tools and accessories, including notebooks and pens.
- @tobestudy - Focused on study techniques and accessories, including notebooks and pens.
- @dotgrid - A blogger who reviews notebooks and planning tools.
- @elinjosefinas - Focuses on planning tools and accessories, including notebooks and pens.
- @writeitwithstyle - Focused on pens and other writing tools.
- @plannerologie - Shares pictures of planning tools and inspiring quotes.
- @tinapaperlover - Focuses on notebooks and planning tools.
- @pencil.tales - A blogger who reviews pens and other writing tools.
- @jennyspenmanship - Focused on writing techniques and accessories, including pens and paper.
- @studyinsweden - Focuses on study techniques and accessories, including notebooks and pens.
- @josefinemarwitz - Shares pictures of office supplies and inspiring quotes.
- @papperstid - Focused on paper and notebooks.