How does Pinterest work ?

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to discover, save, and share ideas and inspiration in the form of images, videos, and GIFs, known as "pins".

Here's how it works:

  1. User accounts: Users create accounts on Pinterest and can personalize them by creating boards and filling them with pins that interest them.
  2. Pins: Users can browse through various categories such as food, fashion, home decor, and travel, and save pins that they like to their boards. Pins can be added from other users' boards, or from websites by using the Pinterest browser extension.
  3. Boards: Boards are collections of pins organized around a particular theme or interest, such as "Healthy Recipes" or "Travel Bucket List". Users can create multiple boards and add pins to them as they discover new ideas.
  4. Following: Users can follow other users and their boards to see their new pins in their feed. Users can also follow topics or interests to discover new pins related to those topics.
  5. Engagement: Users can engage with pins by liking, commenting, or sharing them. They can also click on a pin to visit the website where it originated.
  6. Search: Users can search for pins using keywords, and Pinterest will display relevant pins based on the search query.

For businesses, Pinterest also offers advertising options, such as Promoted Pins and Promoted Videos, to reach a wider audience and increase engagement with their content.

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